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Sushi Mania

Focus on Raw Fish

March 31, 2021

A bit of background

Sushi Mania is a Swiss company specialized in preparing and distributing Japanese cuisine and Asian gastronomy. Operational since 2002, it produces 40,000 (on average) servings of sushi per day.

The Problem

Sushi Mania struggled to determine the optimal quantity of raw fish needed for their different stores on any given day.

They either had too much product expiring before using it or turned customers away because they didn't have enough fish to serve.

They needed Haidi to figure out how much raw fish was needed for the next day.

The Solution with Haidi

Haidi's demand forecasting tool now predicts the requirement for different types of fish the stores need.

The algorithm analyses a mix of factors influencing the need, such as internetsearch trends, weather, promotions, and seasonal changes, to calculate thea mount of fish needed in individual locations.

It also uses location-specific data and suggests each store the exact quantity offish they need to serve their customers well without having excess inventory.  

The Outcome

Within a five-month time frame, Sushi Maniawas able to achieve forecast accuracy averaging 90% with the help of Haidi. That improved their end planning as well.

They can now forecast needs with:

●       93% Salmon Accuracy

●       95% Tuna Accuracy

●       30% reduction of Waste in the First Month