The role of Decisions & Horizons in driving your business to profitability

In planning, it is paramount to consider your decisional needs across a 3-layer pyramid.

This approach ensures that plans are comprehensive, catering to both long-term goals and short-term actions. The 10 Proof of Concept (POC) projects we've conducted have led to the creation of an easy to use and flexible SaaS model designed to support these various levels. This model aims to define and prioritize what matters most to your organization before gradually supporting the other layers. Examples include:

1. Strategic Layer

  • 3 Years Quarterly Strategic Plan: A high-level blueprint focused on setting long-term goals and directions. This plan is critical for defining the organization's mission, vision, and objectives over a three-year period, guiding both tactical and operational planning processes.

2. Tactical Layer

  • 12 Months Regional Forecast: Medium-term plans derived from the strategic framework, focusing on achieving goals like forecasting sales or market demand on a regional basis for the next year. This level of planning is vital for effective resource allocation and setting short-term targets.
  • Optimized Inventory with a Yearly Target: Involves analyzing data to predict future inventory needs and make procurement decisions, ensuring inventory levels meet projected demand and sales targets within a year.

3. Operational Layer

  • Weekly Plan for 12 Weeks: Short-term plans that manage day-to-day operations, including scheduling purchases to maintain inventory levels according to operational needs.
  • Forecast the Number of Transactions of 6 Point of Sales for 2 Months in Days: Focuses on predicting daily transactions at points of sale to manage cash flow, staffing, and inventory effectively.
  • 14 Days Optimized Replenishment Plan: Determines the optimal replenishment schedule to keep inventory aligned with current demand, avoiding stockouts and overstock situations.

The flexibility of our SaaS model, refined through our various use cases, enables organizations to master decisions needed,thus significantly improving operational efficiency, reducing waste, and better aligning strategies with customer demand. Discover how this approach can transform your planning strategy, ensuring that strategic goals are met through tactical feasibility and operational efficiency.